ART BUSAN 2024   2024. 5.9 – 5.12   VIP Preview: 5.9 14:00-20:00 10.21 11:00-19:00   Public Open 5.10 11:00-19:00 5.11 11:00-19:00 5.12 11:00-18:00   Booth: Middleman Gallery

ひょんなきっかけで出会い仲よくなった日本と台湾のアーティスト。 3人の憩いの場、カフェシーモアグラスで展示をおこないます。 SUNNY AFTERNOON2023年 11月16日(木) – 11月30日(木) 12:00 – 18:00 / 月•火 定休日 アーティスト:  Chen Wei Ting Lin Yen Liang Mogu Takahashi 場所: Cafe See More Glass 渋谷区神宮前

Group Exhibition “DREAM PAPER 2”   2023. 6.29 – 8.5     Becoming an annual event playing the role of a research laboratory, the exhibition “Dream Paper” aims at discovering new talents, highlighting and experimenting with paper work. This year “Dream Paper 2” is also the place of a meeting between new artistic proposals and the works of artists already represented by the Slika

Group exhibition“BREAK IN EMERGENCY”   2023. 7.21 – 7.30   Artists: Geoffrey Bouillot Ben Cabral Jonathan Edelhuber Kpe Innocent Blake Jones Lady Pink Francisco Mendes Moreira NANTOKA Niall Campbell Strachan Mogu Takahashi Qinn Tann Motonori Uwasu Dan Witzs Yokhoteen   4BYSIX 19 Kensington Park Road, Notting Hill, London

ART TAIPEI 2022   2022. 10.20 – 10. 24   VIP Preview: 10.20 15:00-21:00 10.21 11:00-19:00 Public Days 10.21 14:00-19:00 10.22 11:00-19:00 10.23 11:00-19:00 10.24 11:00-18:00 Soka Art Booth: F05 Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1

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